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Top 10 mistakes that PC users make

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Top 10 mistakes that PC users make

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Frustrated laptop user

Here at BlueNova Computing we see the results of PC users’ most common mistakes. Well, now, you can benefit from their misfortune by reading about these common problems and also easy ways to avoid them yourself.

1. Misbehaved Programs

You’ve probably heard of spyware, also known as adware or malware. These programs are generally designed to run silently in the background and make money for some person or company somehow.

Some spyware simply tracks your surfing habits in order to sell for marketing purposes, while others pop-up ads, redirect you to different sites, install toolbars, change settings, and worse. Spyware often requires expert help to remove, and can even require a complete system re-install to resolve.

But where do these misbehaved programs come from? (more…)

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