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The Google Email Uploader

Archive for July, 2008

The Google Email Uploader

Thursday, July 17th, 2008
The Gmail Uploader

The Gmail Uploader

So you haven’t switched to Gmail yet? We recommend Google’s excellent online email services to everyone. It’s free! But maybe you’ve got years of messages and addresses in your desktop e-mail program (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) and switching sounds like too much hassle.

Well Google’s new Email Uploader is the answer. The Google Email Uploader is an easy-to-use program that lets you forward e-mail messages and contacts to your Gmail account. Now you have no excuse, go sign up for Gmail right now! (Currently this application only works with Windows XP and Vista)

Free Online Image Editors

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

We normally recommend the desktop application Picasa (free download) for managing all of your photos, but a number of new online photo editors are becoming available that are very powerful, easy to use, and free. These can be handy for quick image editing on the go, and can even work with the images that you already have online. Here are two services that I am impressed with:


The Picnik sign-up screen

The Picnik sign-up screen

It’s easy to sign up and get started, and there’s even some demo photos to play with before you get an account. Once you sign in, you can import photos from your PC, or even from several online photo services like Picasa Web Albums and Flickr. (more…)

Recommended Software

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

With so many choices online, it can be difficult to locate software that does what you want. Much of the software available online is unsafe, badly behaved, poorly designed, or just too expensive.

So here it is, a list of the Windows programs that we recommend to others over and over again, in one spot! We’ll keep this updated with the latest and greatest, along with current links. If you have comments, suggestions, or complaints, drop us a line or leave a comment on this page. (more…)

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